BibTeX Style Beispiele

Im folgenden Abschnitt sehen Sie, wie verschiedene Arten des Stils der Bibliographie im erzeugten PDF angezeigt werden. Der Stil wird mit dem \bibliographystyle{Stil} Befehl definiert, wobei Stil mit dem jeweiligen Stil ersetzt wird (z.B.: alpha, etc.). Es wurden die folgenden Eingaben für die Berechnung des Ergebnisses verwendet:
  author  = {Peter Adams}, 
  title   = {The title of the work},
  journal = {The name of the journal},
  year    = 1993,
  number  = 2,
  pages   = {201-213},
  month   = 7,
  note    = {An optional note}, 
  volume  = 4

  author    = {Peter Babington}, 
  title     = {The title of the work},
  publisher = {The name of the publisher},
  year      = 1993,
  volume    = 4,
  series    = 10,
  address   = {The address},
  edition   = 3,
  month     = 7,
  note      = {An optional note},
  isbn      = {3257227892}

  title        = {The title of the work},
  author       = {Peter Caxton}, 
  howpublished = {How it was published},
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  month        = 7,
  year         = 1993,
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Draper}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  booktitle    = {The title of the book},
  year         = 1993,
  editor       = {The editor},
  volume       = 4,
  series       = 5,
  pages        = 213,
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  month        = 7,
  organization = {The organization},
  publisher    = {The publisher},
  note         = {An optional note}  

  author       = {Peter Eston}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  chapter      = 8,
  pages        = {201-213},
  publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
  year         = 1993,
  volume       = 4,
  series       = 5,
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  edition      = 3,
  month        = 7,
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Farindon}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  booktitle    = {The title of the book},
  publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
  year         = 1993,
  editor       = {The editor},
  volume       = 4,
  series       = 5,
  chapter      = 8,
  pages        = {201-213},
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  edition      = 3,
  month        = 7,
  note         = {An optional note}
  title        = {The title of the work},
  author       = {Peter Gainsford}, 
  organization = {The organization},
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  edition      = 3,
  month        = 7,
  year         = 1993,
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Harwood}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  school       = {The school of the thesis},
  year         = 1993,
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  month        = 7,
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Isley}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  howpublished = {How it was published},
  month        = 7,
  year         = 1993,
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Joslin}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  school       = {The school of the thesis},
  year         = 1993,
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  month        = 7,
  note         = {An optional note}

  title        = {The title of the work},
  year         = 1993,
  editor       = {Peter Kidwelly},
  volume       = 4,
  series       = 5,
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  month        = 7,
  organization = {The organization},
  publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Lambert}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  institution  = {The institution that published},
  year         = 1993,
  number       = 2,
  address      = {The address of the publisher},
  month        = 7,
  note         = {An optional note}

  author       = {Peter Marcheford}, 
  title        = {The title of the work},
  note         = {An optional note},
  month        = 7,
  year         = 1993